Backlinks to Data Mining Software in Software Web (Search all webs)

Results from Software web retrieved at 07:22 (GMT)

The table below lists all data mining software whose details have been checked. You may also want to view the OldListOfDataMiningSoftware. You can sort the table ...
CART\xAE Salford Systems' flagship data mining software, CART\xAE, is a robust, easy to use decision tree that automatically sifts large, complex databases, searc...
Compumine Rule Discovery System Compumine Rule Discovery System is a data mining tool for discovery of predictive rules. Rule Discovery System has a nice graphica...
Data Miner Maximzier Inc DMM is a predictive modeling software which was developed in order to maximize profit in business application(e.g...
NEW - 19 Sep 2004 - 16:48 by datamine
Data mining software by PMSI Lots of tutorials and shareware in English and French. Contributed by: pmsi #64; ...
NEW - 19 Sep 2004 - 16:48 by datamine
The visual analytics platform for data mining and predictive analytics. The visual analytics platform Viscovery satisfies all your requirements ...
InsightfulMiner, an affordable, scalable full life cycle data mining software. More info at Main.JudyM 07 Mar 2002
KXEN provides next generation business analytics software to drive better corporate decisions. KXEN's unmatched speed, ease of use and scalability enable leading ...
Magnum Opus Demo Magnum Opus is state of the art data mining software for association discovery. With unrivalled flexibility and ease of use, it finds new and una...
Magnum Opus Magnum Opus is state of the art data mining software for association discovery. With unrivalled flexibility and ease of use, it finds new and unantici...
11Ants Model Builder 11Ants Analytics is democratizing data mining. We build incredibly powerful data mining software which is deceptively simple to use. This sim...
ModelQuest Enterprise Highly automated predictive data mining software that includes Expert Mining Strategies, new proprietary modeling te...
NEW - 19 Sep 2004 - 16:48 by datamine
Most Popular Data Mining Software Surveys conducted by KDD Nuggets and Rexer Analytics have asked people involved in data mining what software they use. While i...
For up to date listings, see AllDataMiningSoftware. The table below lists all data mining software whose details have not been checked. You can sort the table be...
Data Mining Software, Applications and Tools View the list of data mining software, tools, packages and programs or find out about the most popular tools for data...
Data Mining Software Data Mining Software The information about the packages on this page has been taken from README files, and other information provided on the ...
NEW - 19 Sep 2004 - 16:48 by datamine
Recent Updates This table shows the twenty most recent updates to the list of available data mining software.
SAS Enterprise Miner SAS Enterprise Miner is part of the SAS suite of analysis software and uses a client server architecture with a Java based client allowing pa...
SAS Institute Launches Enterprise Miner software Commercial The respected French Analysts, Yphise have evaluated the En...
NEW - 19 Sep 2004 - 16:48 by datamine
SPAD is a mature data mining suite that provides powerful exploratory analyses and data mining tools, including PCA, MCA, clustering, interactive decision trees, ...
SPSS Clementine Clementine is a mature data mining toolkit which aims to allow domain experts (normal users) to do their own data mining. Clementine has a visual ...
TMiner Personal Edition Free Java Data Mining software downloadable from (Research section). TMiner collects some al...
NEW - 19 Sep 2004 - 16:48 by datamine
Data Mining Software, Applications and Tools View the list of data mining software, tools, packages and programs or find out about the most popular tools for data...
Number of topics: 23
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