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Results from Software web retrieved at 15:58 (GMT)

ADAPA\xAE Predictive Analytics Edition ADAPA Predictive Analytics Edition is a scoring engine developed by Zemetnis, Inc. ( ADAPA enable...
ARMiner ARMiner is a free client server application for discovering association rules in datasets. According to the FAQ, _"Its intent was to provide people with a...
ARTool ARtool is a stand alone tool for association rule mining distributed under the GNU Public License. It implements a number of different algorithms including...
Add new software package to The Data Mine: "}% Click on "Software" on top bar to come back once you've done this.'}% %IF{"context authenticated" then=' Please fi...
BLIASoft Knowledge Discovery Based on techniques of artificial intelligence BLIASoft Knowledge Discovery is an innovating software for data analysis and decision ...
Data Applied Data Applied offers a comprehensive suite of web based data mining techniques, an XML web API, and rich data visualizations.
A visual data mining tool with focus on ease of use. DataDetective DataDetective is an open and flexible data mining solution that ...
Eaagle Full Text Mapper (FTM) Fast... Objective... Visual... What do you do with your full text data? Does your company collect full text data from survey answers...
KXEN Analytic Framework Remember to fill in the form below otherwise this page won't appear correctly in the software listings.
KEEL (Knowledge Extraction based on Evolutionary Learning) KEEL is a software tool to assess evolutionary algorithms for Data Mining problems including regression...
Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) was originally developed to detect gene gene interactions in the domain of human genetics. MDR uses constructive induct...
Magnum Opus Demo Magnum Opus is state of the art data mining software for association discovery. With unrivalled flexibility and ease of use, it finds new and una...
Magnum Opus Magnum Opus is state of the art data mining software for association discovery. With unrivalled flexibility and ease of use, it finds new and unantici...
OmniAnalyser Hypersoft has developed Operational and Organizational Intelligence for managers and executives to evaluate communication in any large diversified b...
R R is a well supported, open source, command line driven, statistics package. There are hundreds of extra packages available free, which provide all sorts of d...
Raptor International offers Data Mining for Six Sigma classes across the US. Visit for the latest information.
r2 - 02 Mar 2006 - 15:45 by VerlHite
RapidMiner Previously known as YALE, RapidMiner is a data mining suite which makes a wide range of techniques available.It builds on the Weka data mining tool...
SAS Enterprise Miner SAS Enterprise Miner is part of the SAS suite of analysis software and uses a client server architecture with a Java based client allowing pa...
SPAD is a mature data mining suite that provides powerful exploratory analyses and data mining tools, including PCA, MCA, clustering, interactive decision trees, ...
SPAD Data Mining Data Management Descriptive Analysis Models Segmentation with decision trees Association Rules Mutiple Tables Text Mining
SPM (Salford Systems Predictive Mining Suite) Salford Systems Predictive Mining Suite (SPM) is a highly accurate and ultra fast platform for developing predictive...
SPSS Clementine Clementine is a mature data mining toolkit which aims to allow domain experts (normal users) to do their own data mining. Clementine has a visual ...
SQL Server Data Mining SQL Server Data Mining is not an application, but a service which comes licensed with SQL Server. The application interfaces for this techn...
STATISTICA Data Miner The STATISTICA Data Analysis and Data Mining Platform, including the STATISTICA Data Miner software, offers the most comprehensive and effec...
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Name text 64 The name of the program or package Brief Summary text 64 Short summary Licens...
Add new software package to The Data Mine: "}% Click on "Software" on top bar to come back once you've done this.'}% %IF{"context authenticated" then=' ...
NEW - 04 Mar 2008 - 18:08 by Test3User
VisuMap VisuMap is a visualization centric analysis software to help people to understand high dimensionalnon linear data (multivariate data). VisuMap provides th...
Weka Weka is a data mining package which includes a wide variety of methods. Its easy to use interface makes it accessible for general use, while its flexibility...
YALE is now known as RapidMiner Please see the RapidMiner page for details of the software formally known as YALE Historic Information YALE supports the process...
Younicycle A Database Builder Web Application Builder powered by PostgreSQL and available on the web as a web application online 'Software as a Service' Suite...
Number of topics: 30
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