50 recent changes in Organizations Web retrieved at 17:57 (GMT)

Organizations Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on ...
Statistics for Organizations Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upl...
" else="Foswiki's Organizations web"}% /Organizations
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
Foswiki's Organizations web
* ... * ... * ... Organizations Web Utilities * WebTopicList all topics in alphabetical order * WebChanges recent topic changes in this web ...
* .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example #64;your.company
bitsnbrains bitsnbrains is the start up project of two former researchers at NLE Lab @ Technic University of Valencia. It was born out of the deep desire of apply...
TRIADA, Inc. http://www.triada.com Triada is a global technology company whose focus is Enterprise Intelligence. We provide a platform for business analysis th...
r2 - 05 Aug 2011 - 07:34 by WoodorApple
The KDT System http://www.cs.biu.ac.il:8080/~feldman/ The Knowledge Discovery in Texts system (KDT) was developed at Bar Ilan University (Feldman and Dagan, 199...
r2 - 05 Aug 2011 - 07:34 by WoodorApple
IQR Consulting Data Analysis IQR provides Business Analytics and Technology Solutions to organizations in different verticals like Travel, Insurance, Healthcare ...
HNC Software http://www.hnc.com Headquartered in San Diego, California, HNC Software Inc.(NASDAQ:HNCS) is a leader in the application of neural networktechnolog...
Alpha Analysis Consulting Research consulting firm that specializes in advanced statistical computing, data mining, predictive modeling and forecasting, and data ...
Symplexis Symplexis is a small company specializing in the development, implementation and integration of high performance information extraction and topic modeli...
Cognitro Analytics
Universus Corp Universus is a leading edge data mining and Business analytics software provider and Consulting company. We have delivered our cutting edge softwar...
SmartDrill Data Mining Services: marketing analytics, market research, operations research, decision analysis and project planning/management
SnA Consulting http://www.sna consult.com SnA is a business analytics consultancy based in Istanbul, Turkey with active projects in the EMEA region. SnA helps blu...
Alyuda Research Alyuda Research is one of the world's leading developers of data mining software for enterprises and individuals. Founded in 2001, Alyuda demonst...
Equity Decision Systems Equity Decision Systems specializes in bringing predictive models to your organization. Our mission is to help you take advantage of data ...
REACTIVE SEARCH SRL Reactive Search Srl is an engineering optimization software company founded in 2008 headquartered in Trento, in northern Italy. It realizes ne...
Appricon Appricon is a software research and development company for data mining, statistical analysis and predictive analytics. Appricon focuses on predictive m...
Apteco Ltd Based in the United Kingdom, Apteco have developed the FastStats range of marketing software which includes components for marketing analysis, database...
Comshare http://www.comshare.com "Comshare, one of the market leaders in OLAP/DSS technology have recently been marketing an add on to their OLAP databases. Calle...
SAS Institute Inc. http://www.sas.com/technologies/data_mining/index.html Commercial Enterprise Miner, our enhanced data mining software, combines a rich suite ...
Rexer Analytics Boston based consulting firm focused on CRM Analytics and Data Mining: www.RexerAnalytics.com Rexer Analytics was founded in 2002. We help clients...
AlphaBlox: Web Enabled Enterprise Analysis Applications http://www.alphablox.com Commercial AlphaBlox Corporation was founded in 1996 to deliver customizable We...
THE MODELING AGENCY The Modeling Agency (TMA) is a highly structured network of senior level data mining consultants, associate modelers, application programmers ...
EVIS Experience, Vision, and Intelligent Solutions Have you ever wondered what to do with all that business data you have collected over the years? Or whether it...
ChartSearch Enterprise Data Search Solutions ChartSearch's user friendly data search technology enables businesses to instantly find research data, extract it on ...
Zementis Zementis, Inc. is a software company focused on predictive analytics and advanced Enterprise Decision Management technology. We combine science and softw...
InfoBionics Infobionics Knowledge Server offers an ideal platform for developing flexible mining applications for use in business intelligence, predictive analysi...
StatSoft Inc. StatSoft, Inc. was founded in 1984 and is now one of the largest global providers of analytic software worldwide. StatSoft is also the largest manuf...
RAPID PROGRESS MARKETING and MODELING, LLC RPM\xB2 is a full service data mining and predictive modeling consultancy consisting of a network of highly skilled, se...
Angoss Software Corporation (Angoss) (TSX V: ANC), headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with offices in the US, UK, and Australia, is a provider of data min...
Sentient Information Systems Sentient is an independent software company, based in Amsterdam, with a long track record in data mining and business intelligence. S...
Viscovery Software GmbH Viscovery Software GmbH is a predictive analytics and data mining vendor based in Vienna, Austria. Viscovery was one of the first data min...
Eaagle Full Text Mapper Fast... Objective... Visual... What do you do with your full text data? Does your company collect full text data from survey answers, inte...
The Data Mine This is The Data Mine, a online resource for people interested in data mining. It is a Wiki, which means that anyone can add or edit information. D...
Data Mining Companies and Organization The table below lists data mining companies and organizations whose details have been checked. You can add a data mining o...
The list of Data Mining Organizations is divided into two sections: Those organizations for which we have full information in "form fields", such as a short descr...
Add new organization to The Data Mine: "}% Click on "Organizations" on the right bar to come back once you've done this.'}% %IF{"context authenticated" then=' Pl...
The Data Mine Ltd The Data Mine Ltd is run by Dr Andy Pryke and is affiliated to this website (TheDataMine). Making Sense of Information We help people understan...
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Topic revision: r2 - 30 Jan 2012, AndyPryke

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